
About Me

Hi everyone!

My name's Kristie and I'm a 20 year old Canadian blogger. I started off my blog in January of 2014 as a way to relieve stress, I didn't think anyone would see the posts I was writing. After several posts, I noticed in the analytics that I was getting views so I deleted all the more "personal" posts and started blogging with actual content. From that point on, I decided to blog about things that I enjoy. Beauty and fashion are just a couple hobbies of mine so blogging about that made sense. I still however, wanted to keep my blog a bit more "personal" like how it started off. So now from time to time, I will still do personal/lifestyle posts to relieve any stress I am feeling as this was the main purpose for me to create itskristiee.

For those of you who enjoy reading my blog posts and are following me, thank you so much for your support :)

