

What do you use to take pictures? 
I honestly don't use anything fancy. Pictures are taken using my phone, an HTC one.

What do you use to edit your pictures?
The editing features on my phone.

How did you come up with "it's Kristie"?
When I was younger I used to be a bit of a princess, so whenever I would try to rationalize to get what I wanted (I was about 6 years old) I would always say "because it's me". So to create my blog name, I was going to name it "Because it's Kristie", but I thought that was too long, so I shortened it to "It's Kristie".

What colour is your hair?
I use the Liese Prettia hair dye in Glossy Brown. I am thinking of getting a subtle ombre though!

What made you start a blog? 
I explained it all in greater detail on the "about me" page. To add a bit more to that, I've always been one to write my thoughts down on something, whether it's a diary or blog. When I was younger I actually had a "xanga". I just feel like if I don't write my thoughts down, they're not valid.

Will you start a YouTube channel? 
I've had multiple people ask me this, and I'm not really sure! I don't have the proper equipement for it and I've just started this blog so I think I will concentrate on this blog and help it grow first before I think about YouTube :)